COVID-19 Prevention Guidance for Schools

Going back to school in 2021 per the President’s directive, our children are scheduled to return to school though COVID is still with us. The children are excited about seeing their peers again. However, parents and school managers are anxious to get it right and ensure no outbreak of COVID in their schools whilst imparting knowledge to the children. Below are some guidelines for best outcomes; 



a. Ventilation is key. All rooms designed to use natural ventilation should have all windows on opposite sides of the room fully opened. Ensure cross – ventilation even if it requires opening class doors.

b. As much as possible avoid closed windows and prolonged use of air conditioners (AC). Where classrooms are designed to use ACs, consider limiting time in classrooms and have some class sessions in the open where the children can enjoy some fresh air. 

c. Open windows after each day of school whilst disinfecting the classrooms.   


a. Ensure all corridors or entrance to rooms have hand washing points;

b. Running water, soap and single use tissue or towels;

c. Sanitizers should be in class rooms and all offices/common rooms;

d. Covered waste disposal bins should be provided in all classrooms and on the corridors. As much as possible, waste bins should be foot-operated; 

e. Scheduled class hand sanitizing should be implemented. It could be after each teaching session because children will touch their masks and objects;

f. Frequent cleaning of all surfaces like desks, door handles, rails. Cleaning could be done 2hrly;

g. Decontaminate all surfaces before school starts and at the end of each school day. You can use chlorine solution or household bleach mixed per instructions on container;

h. Class teachers should ensure all learning tools are cleaned with alcohol-based sanitizers after snack break, lunch and at close of day.  


a. On day 1 of school: 

  1. Have the infographics with Clear guidelines on hand washing and frequent use of sanitizer discussed in each class. Teachers should demonstrate proper hand washing. 

  2. Teach proper wearing and removal of nose mask. 

  3. Teach how to cough and sneeze into tissues, properly dispose of them and wash hands.

  4. State ‘No sharing of school supplies’ like pencils, erasers, among friends. 

  5. Allow the children to make input and personalize the guidelines at their class level.

b. At the start of each day at school, reiterate: 

  1. Daily hand washing  

  2. Proper wearing and disposal of nose masks 

  3. The need to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with their bare hands. 

  4. Can use clean tissue to touch body parts if necessary.

c. Teach children the 5 steps of hand washing: 

  1. Wet hands with running water. 

  2. Apply enough soap to cover wet hands 

  3. Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including backs of hands, between fingers and under nails – for at least 20 seconds. 

  4. Rinse thoroughly with running water. 

  5. Dry hands with a clean tissue or single-use towel. 

d. Teach songs on handwashing with the steps to help make the process fun 

e. The children should participate in designing posters for handwashing and sanitizing to paste in their classes.    


a. This needs to be ensured wherever the children are going to congregate. 

b. The distance between desks should be at least 1 meter. 

c. Whilst engaging in outdoor activities, children should stay a minimum of 1 meter or an arm’s length apart. 

d. Consider outdoor teaching sessions for preschool department when toddlers can sit without masks since prolonged wearing of masks for children under 6 years is not recommended. 

e. Manage lunch time so that  children go in batches and have enough room for staying a meter apart. Outdoor eating is good to consider. 

f. Lunch time seating should have all children facing 1 direction. Friends can sit beside each other an arm length apart but not seated across each other whilst eating. 

g. Organize breaks between teaching sessions where supervised relaxation activities can be conducted outdoors with distances maintained. Thus, children can get some respite from the prolonged nose mask wearing. 

h. Manage after school pick up to avoid overcrowding whilst waiting to be picked or getting out of school.   


a. This needs to be ensured wherever the children are going to congregate. 

b. The distance between desks should be at least 1 meter. 

c. Whilst engaging in outdoor activities, children should stay a minimum of 1 meter or an arm’s length apart. 

d. Consider outdoor teaching sessions for preschool department when toddlers can sit without masks since prolonged wearing of masks for children under 6 years is not recommended. 

e. Manage lunch time so the children go in batches and have enough room for staying a meter apart. Outdoor eating is good to consider.

f. Lunch time seating should have all children facing 1 direction. Friends can sit beside each other an arm length apart but not seated across each other whilst eating 

g. Organized breaks between teaching sessions where supervised relaxation activities can be conducted outdoors with distances maintained. Thus, children can get some respite from the prolonged nose mask wearing.

h. Manage after school pick up to avoid overcrowding whilst waiting to be picked or getting out of school.

Dr. C. M. Osei-Yeboah Consultant Paediatrician